
Learn more. Question everything.

Unicorns: a worldwide phenomena

Its fascinating to see how often in historical references we see a unicorn. Almost every country or culture’s myths and legends contain them. Were they real? I’m beginning to think so. Some historians believe that unicorns were references to Extinct animals, like above or Rhinoceros (meaning nose-horn). But in the mythos of most people, the…

The Creepy Pied Piper

So if you are unfamiliar with the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, here’s the cliff notes: Set in 1284 in the town of Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany. The town had a rat infestation, and a man who played a special pipe tied around his neck, dressed in a coat of bright colors, appeared.…

Is one god being mistaken for another on purpose?

I was searching the internet looking for information for another post and I came upon coin that I think is a blatant image of one god while historians, numasmatic and/or antiquity specialists are calling it another god. Now you’re probably saying to yourself “whats the big deal, if its not one god, its probably another,…

Napoleon in Egypt

Copper Engravings “Fine plates from ‘Description de l’Egypte’, the seminal publication by the French government detailing the results of the Napoleon’s pioneering military and scientific expedition to Egypt (1798-1801) and the first comprehensive illustrated description of ancient and modern Egypt.” Taken from (a collector of rare books, prints, maps, etc Excerpt from his website:…

Shape of the “Earth”

I’m contemplating what the shape of our world is. I used to believe in it being somewhat of a sphere and it being hollow, because frankly it does NOT have a iron core and just has magna, etc. Nope Is it flat? Is it like an asteroid? Is it convex, like a contact lense? One…

As I dig…

The more and more I start looking, there more I or others are finding inconsistencies..Photoshopping, weird removals…. I’ll definitely be adding more to this idea later.


Follow me on Instagram @nomore_resets Welcome! Why do I do this? Being an educator and researcher, I am determined to find out about our history…. I’m new to this blogging stuff, so bare with me. I hope to bring forth interesting and obviously controversial information. Please feel free to research further. It’s important, especially during…

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